Advertising and spam VS Hobbies?
One thing that has always puzzled me is how people look at YouTubers.
Some girl lives for her horses. She put pictures of them on Instagram and unedited YouTube videos and tons of people comment them, follow her and she gets tons of attention immediately.
Another girl makes makeup. Again she posts about it on instagram and put up how to lessons with a pixelated webcam and soundquality that kills your ears and tons of people start following her immediately.
The third person is a man who does bodybuilding or general fitness. Again, he immediately becomes a star on both for just having his hobby.
Then there are also people like me. Whose hobby is actually the YouTubing itself. Who like to do YouTube movies. It doesn't matter if it's about games, cosplay, food, traveling or a full day of their grandpa changing diapers.
They live for the youtubing, the comments, the likes, the views and the interaction with their viewers. They burn for the desire to be famous on YouTube, to get people to watch their work they've been working on for hours and sometimes days.
Now, when someone shows off their horse, their makeups or their fitness, people are like "WOW! YOU ARE REALLY GOOD!" and they get showered with compliments.
When a YouTuber on the other hand want to show off their videos on the web, people start accusing them of spamming, advertising and tell them to go away. This doesn't always happen. Some people look at it as a hobby too, and understand this but it has happened so many times on forums that people complain when I join them and post my videos.
Everytime I get a compliment on a video or hear that I did a good job, I smile. I feel happy.
Doesn't people realize that these videos we, YouTubers, put so much time and effort in is also a hobby that deserves noticing, compliments and rewards for our efforts?
That guy making people laugh for ages in his Minecraft video or that unknown MS DOS game sat there for hours on end to get that content recorded, and many times also endless hours editing and adding voiced to the video.
Everything because he liked it and wanted to share his experience with you.
As a YouTuber you want people to see your work. It's not unnatural or strange. It's part of the hobby that movie creation actually is.
What fun is it to sit for 11 hours with a movie only to get 7 viewers and people complaining on a forum to post your stuff elsewhere?
Now, there IS a lot of spam with people who upload horrible videos. But there are also people who want to do a good job and entertain their viewers. By automatically attacking and complaining on people as soon as they upload their videos on a forum or similiar before even watching them, they are attacking someone for doing a great video without even knowing it.
I have a good example of this. I met my cousin roughly a year ago and I wanted to show off my movie "The Othmirs of Velious" from EverQuest II.
She was very reluctant to watching it. But after we were done, and it only took about 2 minutes, she was like "Oh, your movie editing skills have really improved..."
So she liked it, and became impressed, despite not wanting to watch it from the start.
This is a general behaviour of people when you want to show your YouTube videos.
Judge first, complain, and not even watch it. And miss out on something good.
YouTubing is a hobby just like caring for horses, doing fitness and doing makeup lessons.
Remember this before you start complaining that someone is showcasing their YouTube videos somewhere.
YouTubers do this as a hobby. Because they like what they do and because they are social people.
Did anyone even bother to watch the movie above, by the way?
If you didn't, well... That just confirms my theories. Or you wanted to read to this end first, which is natural.
Etiher way, I hope you like the video above, despite it being old. I think it turned out well...