Celebrating my 10th Entropia Mining Video!
I decided to spice things up a bit for my 10th run of Level 13 amplifiers!
First off, this game, Entropia Universe, features real money, so everytime I drop a probe to look for resources I am using up roughly 2 dollars. Or 20 PED in other words.
A full run, depending on markup cost of the non-repairable amplifiers, is worth around 440 PED of betting, which in other words is 44 dollars per trip.
With that said, I decided to take my mining run to a zone in the game known as PVP 3.
Meaning, other players can kill you and loot the things you mined!
That means that if you are carrying 200 ped worth of ores and someone murders you in cold blood, they get those 200 peds or ores. Which is of course dangerous.
I took the safe route and hurled my findings inside the storages between the probings though to keep things a little bit safe at least. Still felt brainfreezing though... And nervous...
This was an exciting mining trip and I didn't swear TOO much during this video! Maybe...
I also was lucky enough to stumble upon a little conversation in Camp Icarus a few weeks ago!
I kind of was recording at the moment so... yeah... Sometimes you are lucky! ;D
I still wonder to this day if David was allowed to play that X-box game or not...