Närcon Summer 2016 is over!

Närcon Summer is over!
Sorry about the late post, but I've had so much video editing to do so I haven't had time for a post.
Besides, blogging isn't really my main thing anyway, so it''s just a bonus when I do!
It was a great convention overall!
I got a personal interview with Felix, Basse and Johan from MonteFjanton Creations (Felix Recenserar, Mystikhörnan, Basses Rätt i Skafferiet) and also recorded their Q&A and the talkshow they had with Cosplayer Yaya Han and Youtuber/Dancer Kelsey Ellison!
Speaking of which, I recorded Yaya Han's Q&A session as well as a "How to build a cosplay" session with her!
All of those videos are online on my youtube channel now!
Sadly, I didn't record a lot of footage with Kelsey as I didn't realize she was there until too late. But I got a little bit of footage with her! Some of her dancing, as well as a little wave to the camera! :D
And of course the Cosplay Showcase... It took a day to finish the editing. I am a perfectionst when it comes to the video matching the beat of the song. I want it to suit the song rhythm. And organizing the folders. I had to find every cosplay costume in the mess of files and move them to a cosplay video folder which took a lot of time.
Not to mention all the recording. If you include the recording of costumes, this video took me 4 days of active recording and editing to do. But it's up on youtube now and called "Rare Cosplay Showcase" so search it up if you haven't already!
I got an interview with a game dev that will be up as soon as I get a song sent to me from their game.
Outside of my YouTube channel and it's videos I had a really great time.
The conventions before, I have only ran into people I knew from before by accident every now and then, and I also got hurt because of some drama from the past with a person that used to be my best friend but betrayed me really hard... Thankfully, I didn't run into her this year. So I was never really hurt this time.
 On the contrary, I got to meet a girl I've been talkin to a bit on facebook and it was fun to have someone to hang with this time and not do everything completely alone! :)
I also ran into a really pretty girl while I was recording footage from my cosplay showcase...
*swoon, heartbreak, swoon*
Won't tell you which one it was though. That's for me to know and for noone to find out! :D
Ehrm. Less emotions, more facts!
I also went to the A-house to explore the video game rooms. I am not sure if these existed the earlier years as I think they used to be at a tiny room in the key house instead.
The A-house was nice, but it felt like the usual LAN-party. In other words bad air and a taint of sweat in the entire air. I didn't spend a lot of time there. When I go to a convention, I do it to record videos and meet new people, not play computer. I can do that at home. If I wanted to focus on that, I'd go to Dreamhack instead! :P
They did have a lot of arcade machines and stuff though which is nice for the people who wanted to go there!
Overall my experience this year was a good one, and I am almost finished with all my movies from the convention already.
Only the game video and my main video left, but I will take a break in the editing before I finish them.
I have been editing movies endlessly for days now and also been running around at conventions, and playing Pokémon Go and visited Kolmården Animal Park, went shopping at a market called Skänninge Marken and a lot of stuff so I am completely exhausted.
So I have a lot of videos to edit outside of the Närcon ones. And I still haven't edited the Åland video from last summer. That video is going to be either huge or split up into several parts...
I also made a bird video and a EverQuest II video the other day so yeah...
Right now I don't want to see the editing program or run around anywhere for a few days. My real job starts soon and I need to be rested when it does. Can't run around exhausted while serving food to the customers.
If I know myself right though, that editing program will be up any minute again. If not today, maybe tomorrow.
I am waiting for that video game music to be sent to me at the moment.
Now I am going to relax and gather some transmog in World of Warcraft. Or whatever I decide to do there.
Pokémon Go is a nice collecting game. But if you just wanna sit down and collect stuff, WoW is the way to go.
Or maybe I should play some Monster Hunter 3 or stream some Mario Maker?
Anyways, thanks for reading!
Oh, and I updated my Facebook banner so it doesn't look stupid anymore! :D
I will update the look of this blog sometime too... It looks awful...


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TommyDaGreatest/
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/tommydagreatest
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TommyDaGreatest 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TommyDaGreatest 
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/TommyDaGreatSwe


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